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Intrapreneurship Programs

We unleash the creative and entrepreneurial potential of your employees by enabling them to build an innovative skillset that sustainably strengthens the innovative power of your company.

Why intrapreneurship?

  • Cultivating an internal culture of innovation and promoting creative thinking

  • Accelerating innovation beyond core business activities

  • Empowering employees to expand the innovation funnel

What does the program include?

  • Workshops and training courses for idea generation and development

  • Methods for validating and scaling business models

  • Tools and processes to promote entrepreneurial thinking and action

  • Search, support and empowerment of internal innovation teams

How does the program work?

  • Tailor-made programs adapted to the specific needs of the company

  • Interactive formats that enable participants to design and test their own ideas

  • Support from idea generation to prototype development and beyond

What is the result of the training?

  • Employees who are able to develop investable and scalable business models

  • A new, valuable skill set for employees that supports innovation leadership

  • Strengthened entrepreneurial dynamics within the organization

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